Services in this area are carried out in order to meet all the provisions relating to tax laws, and Corporate Tax. Our work is designed to provide the Directors as well as full warranty service in the relevant legislation, the maximum management information necessary for decision making. Our work in this area has developed as follows:
Outsourcing of the Accounting Department, Tax and Tax, with all work being performed on Company premises; Outsourcing of the Accounting Department, Tax and Tax, with all work being performed in our office; Special work in late Accounting update; special work of reconciliation of certain balance sheet accounts.
Work in this area can be made on a globalized basis, or specific in each of the following modules:
Audit or review of financial statements; Operational Audit and Internal Controls; Audit Payroll; Audit of Labor and Social Security areas; Audit purchases; Audit of Income Tax Corporate; Audit Indirect Taxes, IPI, ICMS, ISS, PIS and COFINS.
The limited review work is performed based on programs previously prepared by the Client, unlike the audit work as its scope and objectives.
The consulting work is directed to the following areas:
Corporate Planning, Succession and Tax; Analysis of Internal Controls; Income Tax Corporate; Tax Personal Income; Indirect Taxes; Labour and Social Security area; Organizational development; PCP, Price Costs and Training; International Accounting (IFRS);
American Accounting Principles (US GAAP)
The consulting work can be developed on a permanent basis and constitute the search for solutions to any and / or specific problems.
In general, the advice involves three distinct phases:
problem diagnosis; Planning and development; Guidance and monitoring.
In the case of permanent Consulting, a dynamic is created in the diagnosis and resolution of situations, resulting in an approximation between the Company and the team of Revision, which implies the study of new scenarios, independent of the initiative from the Organization.